Who Will Be the Plumbers of the Future?
Every small to medium-size business in the country right now is continually looking for qualified people to fill jobs whether it’s a doctor or a plumber. Plumbers make good money, so why is there a shortage of them throughout the country right now? Why aren’t young people gravitating toward this lucrative and secure career and […]
What’s Wrong with Your Dishwasher?
Once you move on from hand-washing dishes, there’s really no going back. So when the dishwasher starts having problems, there’s no time to waste in getting to the bottom of it. You can always call us at Benicia plumbing — and for some problems, you definitely should — but there are some small, common dishwasher […]
Benicia Art Walk 2018
In Benicia, we have a wonderful array of art galleries, shops and studios and that’s why you’ll always see a lot of variety at the city’s Benicia Art Walk, held on Saturday, October 13, 2018, from 2 PM to 7 PM. At Benicia Plumbing, we’re proud to be a member of this artful and creative […]
Our New Ad in Modern Home Builder
As part of our strategic advertising and marketing efforts, Benicia Plumbing recently ran an advertisement in Modern Home Builder, a highly-respected publication in Chicago, IL, that appears both in print and online. We are running an ad in conjunction with DeNova Homes, a high-end home building company with a 25-year track record for excellence. DeNova […]
From the Romans to Charmin: The History of Toilet Paper
In America, toilet paper is one of those things we tend to take for granted unless you can’t find a roll. But have you ever wondered what people did before it was invented, and how long it’s been in use? The answers might surprise you. So, brought to you from all of us and Wikipedia, […]
Best Ways to Find a Reputable Plumbing Company
First off, you don’t really need to read this blog. The simple and direct answer to finding and vetting an honest and accountable plumbing company in this case is to just call us at Benicia Plumbing! But, if you really want to do a thorough search to get that coveted peace of mind, here are […]
Benicia’s Trivia Night is a Real Brain Tester!
Benicia Veterans’ Memorial Hall hosts a trivia night on the first Thursday of the month in the lounge/bar. The admission is only $10 per team, up to 4 players per team. If you think you’re fairly smart and enjoy trivia, all of us at Benicia Plumbing would like to invite you to join the fun. […]
5 Cost-Effective Ways to Heat Your Swimming Pool
Since we’re right smack in the middle of summer, we thought homeowners throughout the Bay Area might be interested in the most cost-effective ways to heat their swimming pools. At Benicia Plumbing, we don’t work on peoples’ swimming pools, but if we can help you to save energy in any way, we’re there to help. […]
The Dangers of Disposable Wipes
Initially hitting the market in the 1970s disposable wipes were sold only in the diaper section of supermarkets, but now they are available. From being an alternative cleaning agent for babies during diaper changes, the product has evolved, with facial wipes and hand sanitizing wipes flooding the market. These handy disposable wipes, said to be […]
Benicia Farmers Market – Thursdays through October
The Benicia Certified Farmers’ Market opens its 26th season on Thursday, April 26th from 4-8 pm (April-August) and 4-7 pm (September-October). Located on First Street between B and D Streets, the seasonal market will run through October 25th, offering farm fresh produce and fresh cut flowers along with arts and crafts vendors, specialty foods, baked […]