Man checking his plumbing leak

6 Common Causes of Plumbing Leaks and How to Prevent Them

6 Common Causes of Plumbing Leaks and How to Prevent Them

Plumbing leaks can be a nightmare for any homeowner. Not only do they cause water damage and costly repairs, but they can also waste valuable resources. Fortunately, there are some common causes of plumbing leaks that you can be aware of and take preventative measures against.

Learn more about six common causes of plumbing leaks and how to prevent them.

1. Worn Out Pipes

The most common cause of plumbing leaks is worn-out pipes, which come from the natural wear and tear caused by age or temperature changes in the area where the pipes are located. To prevent these types of leaks, it's essential to perform regular inspections on your pipes to identify any issues before they become more serious.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can also lead to plumbing leaks if not addressed quickly enough. To avoid clogs in your drains, use strainers on all your sinks and showers, and make sure to remove debris like hair or soap scum immediately instead of letting it build up over time. Additionally, avoid pouring grease or oil down your drains, as this can cause major clogs further down the line that could lead to a leaky pipe.

3. Poorly Connected Fittings

Poorly connected fittings are another cause for plumbing leaks since improperly installed fittings can easily come loose over time due to vibration from water flowing through them. It's important to have a professional plumber inspect your fittings every few years to ensure everything is securely connected and functioning correctly.

4. Corroded Pipes

Corrosion is another issue that can lead to plumbing leaks because it weakens the metal pipes until they eventually burst under pressure from the water running through them. To prevent corrosion, use stainless steel pipes whenever possible, as they are more resistant to corrosion than other materials like copper or PVC piping.

Additionally, treat your water regularly with anti-corrosive chemicals such as iron-out or vinegar solutions so that corrosion won't be able to build up on your pipes over time due to mineral deposits in the water supply.

5. Malfunctioning Valves

Valves regulate the flow of water throughout your home, and if one malfunctions, then it could lead to a major leak in your home. This is why it's important to test all valves at least once per year by turning them off and on several times.

6. Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is another factor that could cause a leak if left unchecked for too long. Low pressure indicates something is wrong with the valves regulating flow within the house. If you suspect low pressure, contact a qualified plumber who will inspect and repair any faulty parts before they lead to larger issues like flooding inside walls and ceilings.

Leak Detection in Benicia

Taking care of potential plumbing problems before they happen will save you time, money, and stress down the road! At Benicia Plumbing, Inc., our team has got you covered. Contact us today at (707) 745-2930 to schedule an appointment.
